ملتقيات - مؤتمرات علمية

The second International Conference on: Automatic Control Telecommunications and Signals (ICATS 2017)

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce the second International Conference on:

Automatic Control Telecommunications and Signals (ICATS 2017)

to be held on Dec 11-12, 2017 in Annaba, Algeria.

The conference will include tutorials, a technical program of presentations, and keynote lectures covering a wide range of topics on systems, automation, robotics and telecommunication including theory, hardware, software, communication technologies and applications.

ICATS’17 aims to provide a forum for researchers from both academia and industry working in control systems engineering,

networking and communication to share their latest research contributions and address new challenges in the field.

More details on paper submission format will be available in conference website: www.icats.ws

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