IEEE International Conference on Communications | IEEE ICC | 14-18/06/2021 | Montreal, Canada |
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications | IEEE INFOCOM | 10-13/05/2021 | Virtual Conference |
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference | IEEE WCNC | 29/03-1/04/2021 | Nanjing, China |
IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications | IEEE LATINCOM | 18-20/11/2020 | Virtual Conference |
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking | IEEE CloudNet | 9-11/11/2020 | Virtual Conference |
IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services | IEEE Healthcom | 12-15/12/2020 | Hybrid Conference |
EEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks | IEEE NFV-SDN | 9-12/11/2020 | Virtual Conference |
EEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids | IEEE SmartGridComm | 11-13/11/2020 | Virtual Conference |
IEEE Global Communications Conference | IEEE GLOBECOM | 7-11/12/2020 | Taipei City, Taiwan |
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems | IEEE ANTS | 14-17/12/2020 | New Delhi, India |
International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems | ICSPCS | 14-16/12/2020 | Virtual Conference |